Town of Dickinson Updated Comprehensive Plan 

Videoconferencing Policy

Planning Board Members:

Hans Van Houten - Chair
Judie Mickelson - Co-Chair

Debra Morello
Bill Sands
Brian Blaise

Planning  Board

A major responsibility of the Town Planning Board is to insure that proposed development within the Town is consistent with the goals and objectives identified in the Town Comprehensive Plan.  The Comprehensive Plan is the foundation for the Planning Board’s advisory role to the Town’s elected Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals. The current plan was last updated in June 2017 and will be due for review upon availability of 2020 census data.  This will consider any changes or trends identified in the Town’s population, residential, commercial, and industrial information.  Additional topics to consider could be environmental, transportation, pedestrian access and land use issues.     Planning  Board meeting  dates, time and any cancelations will be posted on the Town’s website including info if being conducted virtual.  Hearing notices will also be posted in the Press and Sun Bulletin.

2024 Town of Dickinson Planning Board Schedule
Meeting Dates:  (subject to change)  Meetings will be held subject to an announced agenda posted on the Town website for that month.

Times:  6:00 p.m.  -  Place:  Town Hall Meeting Room

January 29  Agenda
February 26 Agenda 
April 29 - Agenda
May 20 - Agenda